This kind of thing seems to be becoming more and more popular as it's definitely an easy way to get a good start with a company. You can call it many things, but it comes down to good old fashioned networking.
This sort of thing is really useful because it gives you a bit of an edge against those that simply 'cold apply' to positions as the company (or at least the decision maker) knows you and how you might be able to fit into the role, whereas it's much more effort involved finding this out from someone new in an interview. They'd already know what you're like from a causal sit down and coffee together and would really see your personality rather than the professional look you'd expect to see in an interview for an hour.
I'd suggest you at least try and reach out, because even if it doesn't amount to anything, it'll give you contacts in the industry and when people move about you could end up with useful contacts in places you might need. All in all, it's also a good way to make acquaintances if not friends.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I'm job searching currently. I keep reading online about many seekers taking a competitive edge by forming relationships with Heads, MDs, HR etc such as going out for coffee or lunch with them, before a position is even open.
Is this standard? Can I ask if anyone here uses that strategy and how they go about it, I would feel so awkward!