Was it a scam or a genuine call? I honestly think the latter because I think I asked the correct questions and I did indicate my willingness to work.
You cannot decide this based on your questions but based on their answer/s. As per the information provided, I suspect this may be a scam or genuine company but not ready to spend enough.
You can verify it by asking them by saying,
I am willing to conduct training for you in future, could you please answer to my previous questions.
If they are not answering properly or telling further excuses then it is a scam.
Finally, "Am I asking the right questions Or Am I being too careful?"
Yes. you were asking the valid questions.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I'm reaching out to the community to seek advice. I'm a statistician by profession. Recently, I was contacted by a person on LinkedIn requesting to conduct offshore software training. He cited the urgency of the matter and wrote,
Obviously, this person had checked my LinkedIn profile, so I checked him too. It seemed to appear legit. He was working for an ABC training company with a proper website and phone numbers.
I wrote back to this person asking questions like;
The person replied saying the following;
Was it a scam or a genuine call? I honestly think the latter because I think I asked the correct questions and I did indicate my willingness to work.
On an earlier occasion, I had received a similar training offer to conduct 7 days training, wherein the training provider was providing the accommodation and air-fare but was not ready to bank in training fee per day. They wanted to make payment after training was over. Also, they asked me to apply for a social visit pass to YYY country to conduct training. Was this a scam too?
Finally, "Am I asking the right questions Or Am I being too careful?"
Please advise.