It's not really clear (to me at least) what you mean by a "new sub-field" but I suppose, per your question, that's not the point. You really have two choices:
- Find a way to fit your new concept into what employers are already asking for. In other words, don't call it something new - just find positions that employers are trying to fill in order to solve problems you're good at solving. Focus on the language, terms, and titles they use for these positions and describe your concepts and ideas in those terms. Ultimately, many employers care about how problems are solved and will want to hire people with conventional skill sets for given positions, but other employers are really just concerned with solving problems and are supportive of employees with creative approaches. Of course, if your intent is to explicitly look for a job in the field you're inventing, this might not be a legitimate answer to your question.
- Become a salesperson for your idea. If you've come up with a new position, and it's truly new - well, then, by definition, no one is going to be asking for it, at least not by name. If you want people to want your new idea, they first need to understand it. Getting people to understand why they want something is called sales. This could take many forms - but you've basically already listed many of them in your question and said you're not interested. There are some less-obvious "sales" approaches you haven't explicitly discredited, though - if your concept can be distilled into a new tool, process, framework, or development environment which can be developed and released with an open license, and it's truly as powerful as you're describing, it's possible for it to sell itself and get traction to the point where you become a desirable employee. Of course, that's not an approach you can take to the bank like a paycheck, and it may not really fit what you're asking for in terms of "finding work."
Ultimately, considering the restrictions you're placing on yourself in terms of sales, it's somewhat impossible to find work in a field that only exists to you - before anyone will be willing to pay for it, you have to sell it to them in some manner.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I know that I am not supposed to be industry or profession specific, so just take the following as an example of this sort of situation.
An Example: I call my new sub-field 'Information Programming'. I have figured out how to work with information in a computer program as well as data. From my experience in the programming profession, I can tell that 5-20% of every program would be easier to build, cheaper, easier to maintain, more reliable, and easier for users to work with using information oriented programming rather than conventional data oriented programming. It is clear to me that it will make employers money, and I can point to a track record of cost savings, as well as a long list of new opportunities that this new sub-field makes economically feasible.
Certainly other sub-fields of other professions have been invented before so this is not just a programming industry question.
Note, I have autism, so selling, consulting or starting a business are not realistic options. On the other hand, having God and having autism both gave me the cognitive ability to invent a whole new sub-field.