Don't Mention it!
Find other reasons you want to work there and keep the other reasons to yourself.
There are other ways to secure a job and either way you will have just as much chance as any other candidate. So if you want to work there for reasons that are not published online then that's good as you'll hopefully enjoy working there just don't let the company know.
You never know whether gossip gets about and some people still keep in contact with your Ex and then you may receive questions that you don't want to answer and he may even find out and ask why you applied. Depending on the previous status of your relationship this may not end well either.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I'm looking for a job. I used to date this person who worked for a small company. He shared with me information about working there, so I have a bit of insider knowledge (I don't mean business secrets of course, but their focus points, organisation, benefits and similar).
He's left the company a few weeks ago. We are not seeing each other anymore and we don't keep in touch, but there was no drama involved in our splitting up.
I've applied for a position with the company and will have an interview shortly.
I'm quite sure they will ask me how I found them since they are small and relatively unknown. Also when answering the question on why I want to work for them, I would love to include some details they don't write about on their website.
How to answer this question smartly?
If I tell them I used to know a person who worked for them, they will probably ask whom I mean. I'm not dating their ex-employee anymore and he would be super surprised if he learnt I had applied there.
If I tell them I found them "on the internet" I will be less convincing.