I'm in the same situation - my CV is in LaTeX and I produce a PDF file for my CV.
When recruiters ask for a Word file, I tell them that I cannot do that, because I don't own a copy of Word, or a computer which will run Word.
Assuming by "recruiters" you mean recruitment agencies:
The companies that you are applying to don't care that your CV is PDF instead of Word, it's only the recruitment companies in the middle, and unless you're fresh out of education with no experience, they'll try and accommodate you because that's their job; there will be other recruitment agencies trying to fill the same positions that they are competing with.
What I do instead, is offer an alternative PDF version that has my contact details removed from it - it's easy to build this from the same LaTeX source. Sometimes this is good enough for them, other times they copy and paste the contents of my CV into a Word document themselves.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I prefer to create documents in formats such as LaTeX, Markdown or RMarkdown. They're platform and version (of the particular editor) independent. You can export them to good looking PDF that is (I think) de facto standard for the CV.
Unfortunately some recruiters force to "provide them an editable CV" which almost each time means a Word file. Obviously I could send them
file, but many of them are not familiar with such formats.QUESTIONS