Early in my career, I worked as the only web guy in a small shop. Nothing made me grow in my skills like knowing if I didn't do it, it wouldn't get done. There were days I was ready to bang my head on the keyboard in frustration...but I figured it out. Keep plugging away...make use of online resources like message boards, blogs, and StackExchange.
In time if you go somewhere else to a bigger shop you'll be surprised how much you really do know.
Best Answer
2 years ago
Its my first job as android developer and i have been working here for past eight months. At work place i am usually on my own when creating apps, there are no mentors or senior developers above me, due to which imposter syndrome suffering comes into play. Mostly i think about other companies with teams working in a project with expertise in a field so junior could learn from them.
There are alot of benefits in that, at my place i create apps and try to apply best practices on projects i am working on.
But still people with mentors with experience know things better and give you a better approach whether you are implementing oop, design patterns e.t.c.
The problem is when applying to international jobs mostly it says about working on big projects where as i have worked on small or average projects so i still feel not ready for such jobs where as international jobs can give you much more experience. I do have the capability if given such tasks so is it all right to apply with such little experience what will your advice be?