If B is a great fit as you stated then you should accept their offer if it comes your way. At that point you would tell C that you are no longer available for the interview and thank them for their interest. This should not burn any bridges, as they will understand that you are actively looking for a job and likely have multiple options.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I’m currently working as a developer at Company A. For reasons I won’t delve into here, I’m looking to leave my current position and find a new place to work. I started sending out resumes a couple of months ago, and have been actively interviewing for the past several weeks.
I’ve been through multiple interviews with Company B for a developer position, and I think we’re a pretty great fit for eam.tuteehub.com/tag/c">ch other. I don’t have a solid offer yet, but I’ve been assured by the rem.tuteehub.com/tag/c">cruiter that an offer is m.tuteehub.com/tag/c">coming (possibly onm.tuteehub.com/tag/c">ce the holidays are over). We’ve dism.tuteehub.com/tag/c">cussed my salary range and they’re on board with that.
At the same time, I’m going through the interview m.tuteehub.m.tuteehub.com/tag/c">com/tag/prom.tuteehub.com/tag/c">cess">prom.tuteehub.com/tag/c">cess with Company C. This m.tuteehub.com/tag/c">company also seems like a good fit, and has a m.tuteehub.com/tag/c">couple of advantages over Company B. However, due to the Christmas/New Year holidays, I won’t be able to sm.tuteehub.com/tag/c">chedule the next interview with them until a week or two into January.
Assuming that Company B m.tuteehub.com/tag/c">comes through with an offer like we dism.tuteehub.com/tag/c">cussed in the next few days, how m.tuteehub.com/tag/c">can I best handle the interview m.tuteehub.m.tuteehub.com/tag/c">com/tag/prom.tuteehub.com/tag/c">cess">prom.tuteehub.com/tag/c">cess at Company C? I’d prefer to wait to give B an answer until I know more from Company C, and find out, after our next interview, if a sem.tuteehub.com/tag/c">cond offer might be forthm.tuteehub.com/tag/c">coming. However, I definitely don’t want things to fall through with B while I’m waiting on C to get bam.tuteehub.com/tag/c">ck from the holidays.
How long m.tuteehub.com/tag/c">can I reasonably expem.tuteehub.com/tag/c">ct Company B to wait to get an answer from me? And how m.tuteehub.com/tag/c">can I best handle this so that I don’t inadvertently burn any m.tuteehub.com/tag/bridges">bridges?