Until they make you a formal job offer then keep applying for other jobs">jobs
I personally would just assume you have not got the current job, if they decide to make an offer then the recruiter will contact you. There is no guarantee that even if they do find another role for you that it will be one that you like.
Best Answer
2 years ago
The situation:
I was scheduled to do my phone screen on April 28th, then after rescheduling I passed my phone screen on May 5, 2019. But my recruiter "Sarah" didn't contact me again until last Wednesday, May 22nd. So this whole process has taken about a month so far, and I've e-mailed Sarah about the process 4 times since then. Not sure whether this is a lot, and honestly it probably didn't have a lot of effect so maybe I just shouldn't e-mail her much? But then again, maybe she would have replied slower if I hadn't spammed her so much?
She said [big software company] had filled all the SRE roles in that location, but that [big software company name] and [recruiter name] were looking for a place for me, since my interviewer liked my interview.
The question:
My question is: what should I do now? I'd been e-mailing my recruiter every 2-3 days after the first interview, trying to hear feedback, but I think I may have annoyed her a bit. While I believe it is her jobto inform me of updates in a timely manner, I also don't want to piss her off because if she's annoyed, she might tell someone who has the authority to keep me from getting the job.
My ideas:
I could try to get another offer somewhere else just to make them move faster, give better starting salary, etc. But I'm focusing on a Computer Science Ph.D application and would rather not throw something else into the mix
Should I keep bothering the recruiter once a week? Apply to other jobs? Drop off the grid til she reaches out and contacts me? Particularly interested to hear from the recruiter perspective, if any of y'all are recruiters