Try sending an application to another contact (maybe call/ask first) and ask them to forward it. Don't mention any of the previous communications, there's nothing to win with pointing fingers.
If that doesn't work, forget about it, you won't get an answer out of them.
As a side note, you could try mentioning this during an interview if the above works, with someone else than the hiring manager. Any decent person would apologize. If they don't, reconsider if you want to work there, they are obviously bad at getting talented people ...
Best Answer
2 years ago
I had an internship at this awesome company (a growing startup, ~150 employees) in my junior year of college. It seemed like it went really well; I got along great with everyone, my project went above and beyond expectations, I got glowing reviews during every evaluation, almost everyone in the whole company knew who I was and the work I'd done, the CEO even personally thanked me for my project. I kept in touch with my former coworkers, visited a few times as I worked through my degree, and had multiple people at the company (including my former boss, who still works there) telling me they'd love to have me back after I graduated.
When my graduation date got close, I visited again, this time to talk to the hiring manager (who I had known since my internship) about potential full-time opportunities. I thought that it went well, and they said they'd keep me in mind for future openings, but I never heard back from them again after that (and that was a year ago). I sent 2 more emails, spaced a few months apart, just to touch base again and see if things had changed, but I never got any response. I also sent in an application for a position they had open and still heard nothing back, not even a rejection. (I've done enough job applications to know that that's pretty common, it's just odd combined with everything else.)
I just wish I knew why–were they just not hiring junior devs at those times? Did I mess something up during the process that I wasn't aware of? Did they decide they weren't interested in hiring me after all? I've been hesitant to send them more emails and applications because I don't want to bother them if they've decided not to hire me, but if it was just a bad timing thing I want to keep trying. Would it be a good idea to send another email touching base again (perhaps to a separate contact that isn't the hiring manager, like my old boss)? Or continue to apply for openings I see? Or should I just let the whole thing go since I haven't talked to them in a year?