I personally would place a phone call or email to let them know that something came up that you weren't able to make it, and that you had decided to stay where you are rather than seek a new position. Thank them for the time, apologize for not being there when you said you would.
Best Answer
2 years ago
It is a very irresponsible question.
I had a Java interview scheduled today. I went near the office location and on the way I realized that I was not ready for the interview. The last year at my current job has been a very draining experience due to which I have been unable to polish my skills (no excuses) - which is one of the reasons I was looking for another job in the first place.
On my way to the interview I realized I had not brushed up on my skills for a long time. Previously I have been very good at giving interviews, but this time it occurred to me that it would be a disaster so I just went back home without giving the interview.
Is there anything I should do in order to avoid being blacklisted (if possible)?