In general no. It can even work as a positive, because it shows other companies consider you to be a good hire, too. Just make sure you thank the hiring manager and express your desire to work for company C2 in the future when you turn down the offer.
I can imagine there will be exceptions, but with enough number of hiring managers at a company, I'm sure you can find one that takes it positively or at least neutral.
I would never consider taking the job from C2 just for the fear that turning it down might negatively affect my chances a few years later.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I'm graduating college, and beginning to apply to companies for work starting in the summer. I'm mostly looking at paid internship-type positions in order to gain more experience before a "more real" job. So, I'm applying to several places and seeing who will bite, so to speak.
There's basically 2 companies I would really like to work for. From what I've read about them, Company 1 (C1) has a program that lasts for about a year, and it could get extended for another, but after that you're out. Company 2(C2) has a "residency" program where you spend two years with a mentor learning and doing work, and then you're sent on your way.
I would love to work for both, but obviously can't do that at the same time. If I had to choose, C1 would be my first choice. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm applying to both of them since I'm not guaranteed a spot in either, and would rather have a job, then make the wrong guess. Obviously in the case where one offers me a job and the other doesn't, just take the job. In the case where both offer me a job, I would like to take the job at C1 (withdrawing from C2), and then in the future, after my time there, re-apply to C2 (unless there's a reason not to).
Here's my question: In general, does turning down a job at C2 negatively affect my chances of applying there again a year or two after?