Is it good to switch from a corporate job to the teaching profession?

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Is it good to switch from a corporate job to the teaching profession?

Posted on 16 Aug 2022, this text provides information on Work & Career related to Career Talk. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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Answers (6)

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manpreet Tuteehub forum best answer Best Answer 2 years ago
If you are good at teaching i.e. you have ability and quality in forwarding knowledge than you can shift, but if you are in a corporate job from long time than it might be difficult for you to change profession if you didn't have teaching experience yet, but it doesn't mean that it is imposible. If your heart is saying to go for that then go for the same. One more important point, you should have a financial backup as it requires some time to again settle in a new profession. All the best.

manpreet 2 years ago
The answer to this question basically depends on one's priority and preferences. What are your interests matters here a lot. The corporate sector can pay you a full of pocket while I am known to some personalities who left the huge salary jobs for their interest in teaching. Teaching is the profession which gives satisfaction to some people and money doesn't maters for them. Although if you are fully dedicated to teaching, there are many opportunities to earn and learn. After clearing the UGC NET, CSIR NET or GATE exams one can be a professor, assistant professor or lecturer in the top most institutes or colleges of India. There is no harm to switch into the teaching profession from the corporate or any other private sector job. It all depends on your interest, what you want to do. All the best for the future ahead.
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manpreet 2 years ago
Corporate jobs come up with higher salary and benefits with good career growth opportunities. Corporate provide career rotation to develop and enrich employee throughout employment lifecycle. However corporate jobs have following major drawbacks: (a) Wild work hours make it difficult to have balanced work life balance. (b) Every corporate professional reaches to stage where he or she does not enjoy work (c) Feeling of getting lost in large enterprise (d) Difficult to get in contact with internal and external corporate environment (e) Climbing the corporate ladder is slow, painful and extremely political (f) You will forever be working under someone (g) You stop enjoying your job due to monotony and lack of challenges If you are feeling any or multiple of the above mentioned conditions in your corporate career, academics can be good career switch options provided you have adequate educational qualifications, interest in teaching and teaching aptitude. Teaching provide stable career with good Work Life balance. However, you must be ready to accept lower salaries and lesser career growth.
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manpreet 2 years ago
Switching career paths is definitely involved with an individuals passion and interest. We have observed major senior professionals returning to Education Industry and Teaching because of the passion and love for learning. Moreover, teaching as profession is considered with low risk and low stress with high salary package specially with senior management professional. The salaries for teaching range from 50-90 lacs at Top Bschools and Engineering Institution for posts like Head of department, Dean, Principal, etc. So, switching a corporate job and coming to teaching has great advantage and makes one happy and content where he can pursue his passion and have great work life balance. Although,it may not have benefits and prestige of corporate job, but this is partially offset by Some intagible benefits Teaching brings to the Table. Hence, its always wise decision.
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manpreet 2 years ago
The answer depends on the professional objectives of an individual and there is a lot of subjectivity to it. I have personally seen people making a successful transition from corporate to academia. I personally think that given the dearth of dynamism in academia and the growing commercialization of education in India, we need people who are proactive, street smart and disrupt the sector. Also, with the advent of education industry in the past few years, the number of corporate professionals entering into education and teaching is expected to increase. Teaching can be more fulfilling and can provide a better work life balance than a corporate job in general. Nowadays, the compensation in teaching is also good, as the industry is looking for professionals who are dynamic and can think of new ways to teach and can set the pedagogy with some new elements.
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manpreet 2 years ago
It will be good if your passion is Teaching Profession, or you want to make a change in your Job or looking for some challenging tasks, I use the word challenging as teaching is not at all easy task. In corporate job you manages projects and give report to seniors but in teaching you have to manage your students and give report to Parents and Principal. The conclusion is, if you want to contribute to education system and do some challenging things like Teaching and managing number of students and you are passionate about teaching, then, yes, it will be good to switch from corporate job to teaching job.
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