What is the syllabus & exam pattern of the Andhra Pradesh LAWCET? What should my preparation strategy be?

Career Talk Work & Career 2 years ago

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What is the syllabus & exam pattern of the Andhra Pradesh LAWCET? What should my preparation strategy be?

Posted on 16 Aug 2022, this text provides information on Work & Career related to Career Talk. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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Answers (1)

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manpreet Tuteehub forum best answer Best Answer 2 years ago
The Andhra Pradesh LAWCET LL.B Syllabus is as following: 1.General Knowledge Current Affairs Aptitude for Study of Law General Knowledge Syllabus Current Affairs National & International Geography Indian Polity Indian Constitution Economy Indian History Indian Culture & Heritage etc 2.Mental Ability Verbal Series Non-Verbal Series Analytical Reasoning Direction and Distances Linear Arrangements Complex Arrangements Analogies Classification Coding & Decoding Blood Relationships Symbols and Notations Alphabet Test Data Sufficiency Test Data Interpretation Test Syllogism Problems Based on Symmetry Problems Based on Visual Ability Ordering & Sequencing Routes & Networks 3.Aptitude for Study of Law Syllabus Legal terms Indian Constitution, its structure, sections and schedules Contracts and Constitutional Law Torts Vicarious Liability Contracts and Constitutional Law IPC and the CRPC Strict Liability Law of Crimes International Law Intellectual Property Rights Legal Awareness covering Constitutional Law The Test consists of three parts. Total number of questions will be 120 and duration of test is 90 minutes. Maximum marks are 120. Pattern: Part A - Consists of 30 questions carrying 30 marks: General knowledge and Mental Ability Part B - Consists of 30 questions carrying 30 marks: Current Affairs Part C - Consists of 60 questions carrying 60 marks: Aptitude for the Study of Law. The strategy is simple. If you have ample time, go through each chapter thoroughly. If it’s mental ability or maths, know the concepts. Then, the best and only thing would be to practice and sit for as mock tests as possible. If there is paucity of time, then simply go for mock tests. Hopefully, you'll score well.

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