Which is tougher to crack: ATMA or PGCET?

Career Talk Work & Career 2 years ago

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Which is tougher to crack: ATMA or PGCET?

Posted on 16 Aug 2022, this text provides information on Work & Career related to Career Talk. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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manpreet Tuteehub forum best answer Best Answer 2 years ago
ATMA - The exam is divided into two parts, each containing 1 section on Quant, Verbal and Reasoning areas. The duration of each part is 90 minutes. The sections and the parts are time bound. Now that ATMA has turned computer-based, the sections as well as the parts, both have become time-bound. Hence, time management is necessary while solving the test. ATMA preparation would not take much of an effort for you if you have taken the similar MBA entrance exams. A basic level of understanding of the sections and topics is required. In case you have taken or plan to take MAT or CMAT, then preparing for ATMA would not be much difficult. The difficulty level of ATMA is comparable to these exams. However, unlike MAT or CMAT, there is no General Awareness section in the exam. PGCET is an objective type paper-pencil based test. The question paper will consist of 100 questions, spread across 4 sections. The candidate will be allotted 1 mark for every correct answer. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers. Exam difficulty is easy to moderate for the Quantitative Skills section, the preparation can be done by solving the mock tests or questions from Secondary and Higher Secondary level mathematics textbooks. If you want to obtain a high score, you can solve the past years CAT question papers.

manpreet 2 years ago
There is nothing called tougher to crack or easy to crack. This view depends upon the preparation of the exam you are giving. There are a number of exams conducted in India for the MBA type courses. Exams like CAT, XAT, GMAT, MAT, IBSAT, NMAT, SNAP, etc. have some minor tweaking and variations apart from the main sections. Each of these exams has a quantitative aptitude, verbal reasoning, logical reasoning and data interpretation, apart from GK or essay writing section in some of the exams. So, you have to prepare accordingly for these exams either by taking coaching classes or correspondence course or by self-preparation or by following recommended books. After you have prepared for the most difficult level questions, you may try to get some question banks for the specific exam you are targeting either offline mode I.e. books on exams or online mode i.e. free question banks websites or paid question banks for practice.
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manpreet 2 years ago
Difficulty level comparison: PGCET- (Difficulty level :Moderate) -Pattern: 100 questions, spread across 4 sections. -The candidate will be allotted 1 mark for every correct answer. -There is no negative marking for incorrect answers. -Exam difficulty is easy to moderate. ATMA - (Moderate) - Two sections, each containing 1 section on Quant, Verbal and Reasoning areas. -The duration of each part is 90 minutes. -TIme management is very important in ATMA - Similar preparation like of any other entranceATMA preparation would not take much of an effort for you if you have taken the similar MBA entrance exams. However, the paper complexity differs but the students who appear are the same for both. Work hard and all the best!
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manpreet 2 years ago
For a good hard working student, both should be equally easy. However, going by the number of selections per year one can say that PGCET would be easier between the two.
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