What is Heat Transport mean? Heat transfer is a discipline of thermal engineering that concerns the generation, use, conversion, and exchange of thermal energy (heat) between physical systems. Heat transfer is classified into various mechanisms, such as thermal conduction, thermal convection, thermal radiation, and transfer of energy by phase changes. Engineers also consider the transfer of mass of differing chemical species, either cold or hot, to achieve heat transfer. While these mechanisms have distinct characteristics, they often occur simultaneously in the same system.
Heat conduction, also called diffusion, is the direct microscopic exchange of kinetic energy of particles through the boundary between two systems. When an object is at a different temperature from another body or its surroundings, heat flows so that the body and the surroundings reach the same temperature, at which point they are in thermal equilibrium. Such spontaneous heat transfer always occurs from a region of high temperature to another region of lower temperature, as described in the second law of thermodynamics.
Heat convection occurs when bulk flow of a fluid (gas or liquid) carries its heat through the fluid. All convective processes also move heat partly by diffusion, as well. The flow of fluid may be forced by external processes, or sometimes (in gravitational fields) by buoyancy forces caused when thermal energy expands the fluid (for example in a fire plume), thus influencing its own transfer. The latter process is often called "natural convection". The former process is often called "forced convection." In this case the fluid is forced to flow by use of a pump, fan or other mechanical means.
Thermal radiation occurs through a vacuum or any transparent medium (solid or fluid or gas). It is the transfer of energy by means of photons in electromagnetic waves governed by the same laws.
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Heat Treated | Business |
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Heat Treatment | Chemistry |
Heat Transport | Chemistry |
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Heady Topper | General |
Handmade Tubular | General |
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Histologic Technologist | General |
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Habitat Of Tweakers | General |
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Hallock Tailless | General |
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Hella Troll | General |
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Herding Tested | General |
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Hide Turtle | General |
Head Tail | General |
Hunter Terminal | General |
Horizontal Time | General |
Half Ton | General |
High Transmission | General |
Harm Touch | General |
Hail Table | General |
Human Transport | General |
Herzberg Teller | General |
Heavy Truck | General |
Halloween Trick | General |
Harry Templeton | General |
Holy Terror | General |
Hyper Text | General |
Hovedstadens Trafik | General |
Highest Translucency | General |
High Translucency | General |
Household Tax | Governmental |
Highway Terrain | Governmental |
Human Transcript | Governmental |
Human Transporter | Governmental |
Handy Talkie | Governmental |
Hawaiian Territory | Governmental |
Horrible Treadwear | Governmental |
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haematocrit | Medical |
haplotype | Medical |
Hashimoto thyroiditis | Medical |
Head Trauma | Medical |
Healing Touch | Medical |
Hearing Test | Medical |
Hearing Threshold | Medical |
Heart Transplant | Medical |
Hepatic Tumour | Medical |
Hereditary Thrombocytopaenia | Medical |
Hereditary Tyrosinaemia | Medical |
histotechnologist | Medical |
Home Treatment | Medical |
Human Teratocarcinoma | Medical |
High Threshold | Medical |
hypnotherapy | Medical |
HyperTention | Medical |
Hypothesis Testing | Medical |
Hospital Treatment | Medical |
Hypertension | Medical |
Hyper-Thyroidism | Medical |
Helium Talking | Medical |
High Temper | Medical |
Historical Temperament | Medical |
Hac nocte | Medical |
Hard Target | Military and Defence |
Horizontal Technology | Military and Defence |
Handi Talkie | Military and Defence |
Human Terminators | Military and Defence |
Hatch Team | Military and Defence |
Hull Technician | Military and Defence |
Hit Thrust | Military and Defence |
Hypertransport | Networking |
High-temperature | Physics Related |
Hand Transceiver | Radio Science |
High Trajectory | Space Science |
Heat Transfer | Space Science |
Height | Space Science |
High Technology | Space Science |
Hammer Throw | Sports |
Half Time | Sports |
Hyperthreading A Technology | Technology |
Hybrid Technology | Technology |
Hyperthreading Technology | Technology |
Hough Transform | Technology |
Posted on 25 Sep 2024, this text provides information on Chemistry related to Miscellaneous in Chemistry. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.