In-Circuit Emulation | Academic & Science |
Intensity, Conflict, and Emotion | Academic & Science |
Instructional Computing Environment | Academic & Science |
Inspired Cycle Engineering | Academic & Science |
Institute of Culinary Education | Academic & Science |
Information and Communication Engineering | Academic & Science |
Innovative Composite Engineering | Academic & Science |
Internetworked Community Excellenceicebank | Banking |
International Conventions and Events | Business |
Independent Country Entertainers | Business |
International Cosplay Expeditions | Business |
Insane Creators Enterprise | Business |
Iron Crown Enterprises | Business |
Internet Centric Excellence | Business |
Income Cost Exercise | Business |
Internet Connectivity Enterprise | Business |
Canlan Ice Sports Corporation | Business |
Insane Culnane Enterprises | Business |
Inductions and Ceremony Events | Business |
Informed Customer's Edge | Business |
Integrated Cooling Engine | Business |
Information, Commerce, and Entertainment | Business |
Interactive Customer Evaluation | Business |
Inner City Entertainment | Business |
International Construction Equipment | Business |
Institution of Civil Engineers | Business |
InterContinental Exchange Inc | Business |
Initial Change Equilibrium | Chemistry |
Indigenous Circle of Empowerment | Community |
Incredible Community Extravaganza | Community |
Internetworked Community Excellenceinsight | Community |
Internetworked Community Excellencewww | Community |
Investigating Christ's Example | Community |
Internet Connections for Engineering | Community |
Integrated, Comprehensive, and Easy | Community |
International Corpus of English | Community |
Information, Communication, and Entertainment | Community |
International Collectibles Expo | Community |
Interdisciplinary Cooperative Education | Community |
Internetworked Community Excellence | Community |
International Cultural Exchange | Community |
International Contemporary Ensemble | Community |
Illinois Computing Educators | Community |
Institute of Civil Engineers | Community |
Identity Courage Esteem | Community |
In Christ Everlasting | Community |
Independence Confidence Enthusiastic | Community |
Internetworked Community Excellenceicebridge | Community |
Internetworked Community Excellenceice | Community |
Inner City Experience | Community |
Instructor Certification Examination | Community |
Internetworked Community Excellencewelcome | Community |
Integration Communication And Education | Community |
In-Class Essay | Community |
Introduce, Cite, and Explain | Community |
Integrated Control Equipment | Computer Hardware |
Interactive Cooling Environment | Computer Hardware |
Information and Control Exchange | Computing |
Information and Content Exchange | Computing |
Information Concealment Engine | Computing |
Intelligent Concept Extraction | Computing |
Intelligence Comprehension And Execution | Computing |
Integrated Computing Environment | Computing |
Image Clear Enhancement | Computing |
Interactive Content Encoding | Computing |
Integrated Cluster Environment | Computing |
Iraf Control Environment | Computing |
Internal Consistency Evaluation | Computing |
Integrated Computing Engines | Computing |
Inter Client Exchange | Computing |
Interval Control Element | Computing |
Intersystem Communications Environment | Computing |
Intervideo Channel Expansion | Computing |
Incremental Configuration Environment | Computing |
Intracommand Rule Editor | Computing |
Internet Crime Enforcement | Computing |
Internet Child Exploitation | Computing |
Integrated Compression Engine | Computing |
Internet Content Exchange | Computing |
Internal Consistency Evaluator | Computing |
Information Controls Equipment | Computing |
Industrial Communications Engine | Computing |
Internal Compiler Error | Computing |
Popsicle Finance | Cryptocurrency |
Decentral Games ICE | Cryptocurrency |
Ice DAO | Cryptocurrency |
Integrated Chemical Engineering | Educational Degree |
In Car Electronics | Electronics |
Cracked Lha Archive File | File Type |
Italian Car Enthusiasts | General |
Interactive Customer Experience | General |
Independent Collated Entertainment | General |
Information Controlling Entscheidung | General |
Independent Cooling And Electricity | General |
Intellectually-Challenged Engineer | General |
Image Correction and Enhancement | General |
Iowa Cornfield Enforcer | General |
Image Composite Editor | General |
Indie Craft Experience | General |
Insidious cortical electrocution | General |
Introduce Cite Explain | General |
Interoperability Communications Environment | General |
Intensely Concentrated Evil | General |
Interactive Communication Experience | General |
Interactive Connectivity Establishment | General |
Intrusion Countermeasures Encyclopedia | General |
Independent Communications Express | General |
Inter City Express | General |
In Case of Emergencies | General |
Impact Confidence and Ease | General |
I Cry Every-time | General |
Intend to Commandeer Elections | General |
Incredibly Concentrated Evil | General |
Identify Cite and Explain | General |
Industrial Cleaning Expertise | General |
Inspire Champion Equip | General |
Itial Change and Equilibrium | General |
Innovative Concepts in Entertainment | General |
Innovate Connect and Explore | General |
Identity Character and Excellence | General |
Integrated Clean Energy | General |
Increased Control and Efficiency | General |
Ignition Control Electronics | General |
Isuzu Car Enthusiasts | General |
Immigration Controls Everything | Governmental |
Innovation, Conservation, and Efficiency | Governmental |
In Car Entertainment | Governmental |
Integrated Cab Electronics | Governmental |
Involve Citizens Early | Governmental |
Integrated Case Experience | Governmental |
International Customs Enforcement | Governmental |
Institute for Credentialing Excellence | Governmental |
Investigating Curious Evidence | Governmental |
Isolate the Criminal Element | Governmental |
Identifying Child Exploitation | Governmental |
United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement | Governmental |
Immigration Customs Enforcement | Governmental |
Immigration and Customs Enforcement | Governmental |
Incarcerated Cannot Execute | Governmental |
In-Circuit Emulator | Information Technology |
Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics | Information Technology |
International Converting Exhibition | International |
InterCity-Expresszug | International |
Internet Communications Engine | Internet |
I Can't Excrete | Internet |
Internet Caseexpert Encompasses | Internet |
Internet Commerce Excellence | Internet |
Internet Communication Elite | Internet |
I Can't Even | Internet |
Interface Code Error | Internet Error Codes |
Inventory Control Expert | Jobs |
Independent Cosmetology Educators | Jobs |
Industrial Communication Engineer | Jobs |
Isotonic Comprehensive Evaluation | Medical |
Intensive Clinical Experience | Medical |
IntraCardiac Echocardiography | Medical |
Ice, Compression, Elevation | Medical |
Ideas, Concerns and Expectations | Medical |
Independent Cost Estimate | Military and Defence |
Inventory Control Effectiveness | Military and Defence |
Improved Combat Efficiency | Military and Defence |
Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics | Networking |
Interpret Cite Explain | Networking |
Internal Combustion Engine | Physics Related |
Iowa, Chicago and Eastern Railroad | Regional |
Iowa, Chicago, and Eastern Railroad Corporation (was IMRL) | Regional |
Integrated C Environment | Softwares |
Integration Centric Engineering | Softwares |
Install Creation Environment | Softwares |
Interactive Configurable Environment | Softwares |
Integrated Cyber Environment | Softwares |
Integrated Correction and Enhancement | Softwares |
Input Control Element | Space Science |
Instrument Checkout Equipment | Space Science |
Instrument/communication Equipment | Space Science |
Integrated Climbing Equipment | Sports |
Intensity, Consistency, Efficiency | Sports |
Information Content Exchange | Telecommunication |
Integrated Communications Environment | Telecommunication |