and other framework options have been deprecated a long time ago, well before Pax Exam 3.3.0, if I remember correctly, so I'm a bit surprised by your version information.
Anyway, if you want to run your tests on Felix, simply make sure that Felix is the only OSGi implementation on your classpath, and that's it. No need for an explicit option.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I had been using the following code snippet for OSGi tests in EclipseLink project with Pax Exam 3.3.0:
Now, we switched the build to JDK 8 and I am using Pax Exam 4.4.0, because Pax Exam 3.x does not build with JDK 8. My issue is that Pax Exam 4 no longer provides the convenient org.ops4j.pax.exam.CoreOptions.felix() method. How can I go around this issue? My goal is to run OSGi tests with the least configuration possible.
If I remove the felix() method, I get the following error: