The UK A-levels are widely studied outside the UK. The new syllabus is designed to have all the exams at the end, rather than the modular system that was in place before. So while there might be more than one exam (I don't remember the details), they could be taken in one block.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I hope this is a good place to ask the question.
My issue is that I have finished high school a number of years ago, and although I did some (non-advanced) math courses then, I did not do an exam in maths for the final high school matriculation exam. Now, years later, I would like to enter a university course for computer science, but all of the programmes of interest to me require sufficient knowledge of maths as an admissions criterion. Theoretically I could go back to supplement my matriculation exam with an advanced math grade, but this is quite a bureaucratic and logistical hurdle since I live abroad and it would take a couple of years to officially pass all the courses. I am confident in being able to self-study the curriculum with support from online resources, but the issue is how to prove my knowledge to the admissions people.
I would really appreciate it if someone could let me know whether there are any certificates or qualifications for high school maths, accepted either internationally or in Europe, so that I could attend just one big exam instead of trying to organise how to sit all the 10+ individual courses and the big exam in a high school in my home country.