Right. This type of question is quite broad and I'll try to answer it.
First of all depends whether you are doing humanities, languages, mathematics, engineering and particular sciences. More importantly depends on how many graphics, formulas you have in the notes and how quickly you are at typing those up (since typing those is the slowest of all).
I personally did take notes in latex using just report class. I would it great to type up syllabus beforehand for the whole year such that I can predict headings more precisely. I was able to keep up with formulas but I couldn't keep up with figures (I didn't know tikz back then). So I have ended up drawing figures on a tablet or paper and then scanning them in later on.
I'm doing electronic engineering. If you are doing chemistry, biology or physics your experience can be much different. And if you are doing languages, history or law your requirements will be completely different.
Best is to ask: "I'm doing electronics, what is the best way to quickly sketch circuits for later polishing in latex?"
The questions as it is now doesn't tell what area your are not finding report class to be suitable.
Best Answer
2 years ago
Is there a documentclass specificaly for taking notes in a class? If not, what does the community see as things which should be included in such a class (which I'd be happy to write)?
Edit: This was meant to be edited days ago, my apologies. However, I'm looking for a documentclass specifically for something like Engineering, Biology would be nice as well, something which allows the drawing of flow charts of metabolic processes, etc.
I type most of my math notes up in LaTeX because it's quite convenient. Not so much for something like organic chemistry, I'd like all my compounds that I use regularly to be in say a bank of compounds which I could just insert at will, and link instances of that phrase to an image at the end, much like an endnote.
I'd also be interested if anyone has document classes for Biochemistry.