The G minor key signature is written with two flats, but the scale, as you noted, has a sharp in it. The G melodic minor scale has E natural and F sharp going up, and F natural and E flat going down.
The key signature is one thing; the scale is another. Some folk music uses scales very different from the major and minor we are used to.
I have seen music that used non-standard key signatures, like two sharps and a flat. It's rare, and is sometimes used when transcribing folk music.
Best Answer
2 years ago
So, the question should say it all, but com/tag/f">for example:
The G minor scale (G - A - Bb - C - D - Eb - F - G)
To change this into the G harmonic minor scale, I would need to raise the seventh note a half-step; (thus changing F to F#) though, that would mean the scale contains two flats and a sharp..
Would the scale (G - A - Bb - C - D - Eb - F# - G) be incorrect? Icom/tag/f">f so, how can I com/tag/f">fix it?