Well, he CAN, but I'm not sure why he would, it's still an achievement and if he omits it someone will ask "Why do you have X years where you did nothing?" and that's not a pretty look either.
I suspect however that it does not hurt his chances (Not more than not being there at least) and I think he/you need to go over his resume and brush it up.
Without any knowledge of the resume however it is difficult giving solid advice.
Best Answer
2 years ago
My brother did private BA in mass communication. Doing a private degree in my country means doing the degree without going to any college. After that he did a two year Masters of Science in mass communication from a university. I have a strong feeling that this private BA has been hurting his chances for a job. He has a lot of difficulties finding work.
I proposed he does an MBA or MPhil in mass communication from a good university and only show the Masters of Science and MBA degrees/MPhil on his resume. Omit the Private BA, but be honest if someone asks.