What follows is hideous kludgery to satisfy an incompetent professor. Don't do this in the real world.
First, the misnamed "copy" constructor. If we weren't worried about the dimensions, we could do this (shudder):
Vector(const Matrix & other)
*this = other;
But we must check the dimensions first. We could do it this way:
Vector(const Matrix & other)
*this = other;
But some chucklehead neglected to make getColumns()
const, so this results in a compiler error. We could do something truly drastic, const cast:
Vector(const Matrix & other)
Matrix *p = const_cast<Matrix *>(&other);
*this = other;
Or just something facepalmingly awful:
Vector(const Matrix & other)
Matrix M(other); // notice that this is not const
*this = other;
Do you need help with the isValid
Best Answer
2 years ago
I got the following class:
with these functions