First-off, with XML you need one element as the root element of the entire document.
How you have it structured, there are multiple elements serving as the root element:
xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
id = '1'>...
id = '2'>...
You'll need to restructure so that there's one element in the root:
xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
id = '1'>...
id = '2'>...
Best Answer
2 years ago
This is the xml followed by the code I'm using to call it. I would like all of the learning outcomes for a single jen_mod to display in a list. You can see from my naming conventions, that a.) I am making sure that I can separate my code from the blackboard system, b.) I am old.
//This is the last version of my working code. I have tried several ways to iterate the learning outcomes but can't quite get the knack.