Your fingering makes no">sense to me. However, fingering in an exam situation is not something the examiner will be looking at. Fingering in the syllabus books is only a">suggestion, although it usually turns out to be the best option for most folks. S/he only wants to hear correct, regularly played notes, so how you finger them is how you are most comfortable. Dominant 7th of C maj. could be C E G Bb, with the one black">key, or could be construed as G B D F, with none. If the former, then Bb can be played with a thumb. It's usually best not to use thumb on black">keys, when there's an alternative, as it's the shortest">digit, and puts the hand further from the player, but as any alternative is not as good, use the thumb. Seems quite late to be considering this, with an exam a week away!
Best Answer
2 years ago
What are the fingerings for dominant 7th of C major? Is it 1234, 1234, 1234' 1234' 1234? Or is it 4 instead of 3? My piano teacher said something about 3 but I'm not so sure whether it's a 3 or a 4.
Please take your time to answer and reply. I have an exam in less than a week so please take your consideration to answer my question.