If the instructions were only given orally, and not recorded in written form that is globally accessible (either in a printed syllabus, or an online forum), then you don't have documentary evidence of the instructions being given.
If this is the case, I would follow the standard university procedures, if there are some available, governing this situation. If there are none, then For this offering only, and only in the case where no printed instructions were given, I would allow students to take a make-up exam.
On the other hand, if there is documented evidence of your policy, then you should follow the policy as it's given.
In any case, however, it's always a good idea to allow "documented" reasons (for example, illness, court appearances, schedule conflicts if exams are scheduled outside of regular time slots) to be excused, with a clear policy for what will happen (students can take a makeup exam; other grades are reweighted).
Best Answer
2 years ago
My course require students to take 2 mid-term exams and one final exam. What should I do if some students didn't attend the first mid-term exam or the second one. Should I mark them Zero or repeat the exam for them? What is the best strategy in this regard?
Update: Although I gave them instructions from the beginning of the course. Some of them said that they were absent when I gave those instructions. Some of them said that they were sick and some said that they had an appointment with a dentist at same time of the exam, for example!