When teaching complex numbers I used one colour for imaginary parts of the numbers and another for the real parts.
More generally, whenever you have a clearly distinguishable object, you might to assign it a colour. If a sequence of functions is approaching a limit, you might make the limit blue. The sequence might be red.
A few points to keep in mind:
- Be absolutely consistent. Come up with a silly justification for the colours, or use some other mnemonic, and refer to previous notes.
- Green-red colourblindness is not that uncommon, I think. Check this.
- The colours should be a useful aid, and nothing should rely on them for understanding. This is for the previous two reasons, and also because you might not always have the colours available.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I will be teaching assistant for an analysis course next semester: I'll present the solutions of the exercices to the class. Syllabus is sequences and series of functions, Riemann and Lebesgue integrals, L^2 spaces, etc. Solutions of the harder exercices can get lenghty and technical.
I'd like to use colors to liven up the board, highlight the structure of the demonstrations and make technical manipulations easier to follow.
Do you have examples/tips of what to do and not to do?