Hey there were some fixes required in your code check this code it works now.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class calendarr
public static void main(String arg[])
int z=0;
int id,im,iy;
Scanner ip = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter DD MM YYYY : ");
id = ip.nextInt();
im = ip.nextInt();
iy = ip.nextInt();
int totalDays = 0, leapYearDays = 366, ordinaryYearDays = 365, y = iy-1,day=0;
int totalDaysOfGivenYear,totalDaysUptoGivenMonth=0, totalDaysEntire;
int leapYearCount = 0;
//calculate the number of leap and non leap years
for(int i=0;i<=y;i++){
int ordinaryYearCount = y - leapYearCount;
int totalDaysUptoPreviousYear=0;
int totalDaysUptoPreviousYearCount = (leapYearCount * leapYearDays)+(ordinaryYearCount * ordinaryYearDays);
System.out.print("Odd Days Leap Year and Ordinary Year : "+leapYearCount+" "+ordinaryYearCount+"\n");
String[] months = new String[] {"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"};
int[] monthDates = new int
Best Answer
2 years ago
In this program i want to print day of the date without using inbuilt calendar packages.. And i'm not able to get exact answer for certain dates (input date). in this i get day of the date correctly for only upto 31.12.0004. Note that it is the assessment given by my guide 5 days before still i'm not getting correct answer and I'm not supposed to use calendar packages and api's because syllabus for my course completed lists : basic array, if & else, for loops, class and objects.