Oh, is all you want to do read a .xml file into a VB.NET string?
Imports System.IO
Dim xmlfilereader as streamreader = new streamreader("locationofxmlfile.xml")
dim xmlfilestring as string = xmlfilereader.read()
xmlfilestring is now a string containing your XML file. Is that all you wanted?
Best Answer
2 years ago
I'm trying to read from an onix file and save the information onto a mysql database.
I'm able to read titles, country code, isbn and other fields but for some strange reason I cant get short description.
The short description field
is embed in html text and when I try to read from it without any alternations it doesnt work and if i tried to save it as a string does the same.On the database I created a field in the table shortdescription varchar(70) and i also, at first thought it was the amount its allowed to stored "varchar(70)" if I increase it, doesn't help!
This is part of an onix feed I'm trying to read
I tried using this code below, the same theory worked for getting the isbn etc.:
I'm not sure if its something i'm not doing right in the code or is it something to do with how i declared shortdescription on the database