Believe it or not, I too was in an exactly similar position as you. So, I can tell you how I made my choice to study physics. I graduated in civil engineering in india in 2017. I too had a similar feeling about physics but decided to play it safe and took up a job in civil after placements. Ironically that experience made up my mind regarding how I want to spend the rest of my life. I quit two months back. I am now preparing for IIT JAM Physics. The syllabus for JAM Physics has quite a bit of overlap with 12th Physics. So, with 4-5 months preparation time, I think it is doable.
Now, it may seem a simple matter but it was not an easy decision. Coming to your question, How can I be sure? I wasn’t 100% sure but by the process of elimination, I decided this would be the best course of action for me. I liked physics a lot in 12th, always did well at it and I have been studying Feynman’s lectures on physics. This book was the final nail since I strongly resonated with it.
In your case, you have studied Computer applications which would be much more relevant in your physics career than my civil engineering. Plus, you are still in your bachelor’s and you won’t have to waste a year like me.
So, your questioning if physics is a career for you is correct. You need to resolve that. That is something only you can do. Once you have decided, what you should do next will become much clearer. But why are you considering abroad as a place to study? And why do you think repeating a bachelor’s a must for switching to physics? You can try to get admissions to an Msc course in physics at NIT’s or IIT’s via IIT JAM. BTech students are eligible for admission to msc physics courses in india but you need to check yourself if you qualify. Then you can possibly apply for PhD abroad. It won’t be easy I suppose but it is possible. And that should be enough if you truly wan’t to do it.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I am now studying Computer Application, a bachelor degree in India. I can get a job in the IT sector if I try only a little harder. But I have this deep desire to study Physics starting from undergraduate.
My high school science scores were average. I consider myself as a smart working science student. I want to apply in UK colleges as there I can start from bachelor degree even if I already have one. I study Physics whenever I get time apart from my present course preparation. But, I have this depressing and demeaning feeling within me that I shall not be able to cope up with Physics, I shall fail and that I don't belong to that field.
I want to know how can I be finally sure whether I have what it takes to study Physics. So that either I can finally remove this desire of Physics from my head and concentrate on Computer/IT jobs or prepare myself for another field of education that I think will best fit me. How can I assess myself?
It's private to me, so I don't want to ask anyone close to me. Not even my almost-a-physicist brother. I struggle a bit at solving deep thinking problems. I am slow at math but I don't give up. Often it makes me cry, but the next day I'm again after it. And I don't think I shall be happy in the IT sector.