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2 years ago
I am creating a two-page syllabus with a tikz calendar in the left column and all of the content on the right side of the page. Currently the right content is just like a normal article class document with the left margin adjusted by the geometry package to avoid overlapping the absolutely positioned tikz calendar.
Question: Is there any way in (Xe)Latex to put the two columns into environments, such that whatever I put in on the left column is completely independent from the right and vice versa, which would effectively lock the tikz pictures to pages, ignoring the right side content.
My Goal: A master document for all of my syllabi, where the right side content is simply an \input{thecontent}. The left side will be a tikz calendar (one on the first page, one on page 2)
Problem: I have a master document, but if the right column content (the \input{content}) is a shorter document or more likely a longer document, I have to keep moving the tikzpicture environment around in order to get the calendars on the left side of the page. Text seems to push them to the next page.
NOTE: Currently, the tikzpicture environments are positioned absolutely on the page.