I don't think this is legal
While laws vary from country to country and even within countries, I highly doubt any country has a law that makes this illegal. As for how much leeway professors have for setting the grading criteria, this depends on factors from the department level all the way up to the university, and possibly accrediting agency, level.
was wondering if anyone else has had this issues
I am not sure I have ever seen this exact grading scheme, but professors do all sorts of stuff. The department I did my undergraduate studies in had limited lab space and therefore made sure the prerequisite classes had the appropriate failure rate.
any advice on how to fight her on this.
I am not sure what there is to fight. If too many students fail (or not enough get As), you might be able to file a complaint. The university will hopefully have a formal procedure in place. Filing a complaint as an individual student will likely have no affect. You will need to demonstrate that the system is unfair.
Best Answer
2 years ago
The dean ob.com/tag/f">f our school/program teaches a b.com/tag/class">class and has put in the b.com/tag/syllabus">syllabus that ib.com/tag/f">f a student gets below a 75% in her b.com/tag/class">class it is an F and the student will be eliminated b.com/tag/f">from the program. She doesn't round up either so a 74.99% is a 74%, and a D is not a grade she ob.com/tag/f">fb.com/tag/f">fers; it's an A, B, C or F.
I don't think this is legal and was wondering ib.com/tag/f">f anyone else has had this issues or any b.com/tag/advice">advice on how to b.com/tag/f">fight her on this.