There are no "correct" or "incorrect" fingerings for scales (or anything else). But some fingerings are obviously better than others. In particular, the 12312341... (assuming you continue for >1 octave) you learned for C, which works all the way through G, D, A, E, to B, doesn't really work well for F, because of the Bb. So generally you use 12341231... so that your 4th finger is on the black note. This is the one you saw online for a single octave.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I just started taking piano lessons. In the first class, I was taught about the different scales (C through B). But I was instructed to use the same fingering for all the scales (major and minor).
RH: 123 12345 -> What I was taught
LH: 54321 321
But I saw online that some scales">scales have different fingering, e.g. the F major scale
RH: 1234 1234 -> What I saw online
LH: 54321 321
Could someone please tell me if what I'm being taught is "wrong"?