\usepackage{advdate,datetime}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{advdate,datetime}
\item Something
\item Something else
\item Relax
\item Go to the sea
\item Something
\item Something else
\item Relax
\item Go to the sea
It would be possible to adjust the alignment as well as a starting date via an optional argument (say).
Best Answer
2 years ago
I'm making my first syllabus in LaTeX and would like to know if there is a LaTeX-y way to generate the course schedule. Something like:
The course is Monday-Wednesday-Friday, so I'm looking for a way to generate a list that will skip Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
I realize that simply manually editing the labels to reflect the dates would be easy enough, there are only 40 or so class meetings, but is there a way (package or native commands I'm unfamiliar with) to do this in a more automated way? Especially because it would make using this syllabus as a template for future syllabi much easier.