It's worth having a read of the syllabus on the ABRSM web site. There are alternative qualifications they accept, and they may accept appropriate and documented experience.
Alternatively, do grade 8 theory, then grade 8 in any instruments you want. Then apply for the diploma. You don't have to do all the exams up to grade 8, but you will need grade 5 or above in theory to do the performance exams.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I live and work in the UK as an engineer. In the past, aroudn 10 years ago, I got a diploma in piano with 10/10 cum laude in an Italian Conservatory. After a hiatus of several years, I started playing the piano again recently, and I would like to move my career again in that direction (maybe teaching, etc).
I think I would have a better shot in a music career here in the UK (or in Europe) if I have an UK title such as LRSM, without having to explain everytime how does it work in italy. My technique is at a good level. I think that in around 8 months I could be ready for the LRSM in the UK. However, I cannot take the LRSM if I don't have the DipARSM, and I cannot do that if I don't have the Grade 8.
I would be happy to take DipARSM, but the Grade from 1 to 8 are way too easy for me, and would simply be a waste of time and money for me to do it. So the question: is it possible to skip them in order to take LRSM? Alternatively, is it possible to do directly one exam for Grade 8 in order to get the Grade 8 qualification?
Any idea? Thank you!