Introduction To Geometry by Donald Coxeter.... You may find Mathematical Models by Cundy and Rollet to be fun....Also : The Fractal Geometry of Nature by Mandelbrot, which, as he says, is not a textbook but an essay, exploring various ideas.... Engineering will require calculus, and you must have a clear understanding of the logical foundations of the real number system, and of what limits are, to understand calculus.
Best Answer
2 years ago
i am an engineering student , i had little interest in mathematics but my interest in mathematics inadvertently( exactly because i am loving that) rises to extreme level, although i have little knowledge (subject-syllabus oriented) on mathematics, i am eagerly trying to learn the mathematics as art ( can be apllied anywhere .....). so please suggest books on topics geometry and calculus to like beginner with interests to learn the contents as art(passion).