Whenever you want to automate small tasks where using real programming languages is overkill (e.g. batch convert files, rip DVD chapters, synchronize directories, ...) shell scripts often are invaluable.
Moreover, a lot of "plumbing" in the system is done with shell scripts (e.g. daemons start/stop scripts, event scripts), so knowing at least how to read them often can give you a grasp on how some parts of the system work under the hood, and give you a clue about where the problem can lie in case of malfunctions; knowing how to write them can also be useful if you need to customize the system in some way.
Best Answer
2 years ago
i am new in linux and using ubuntu'10.10'...i basically want to know as what is the significance of learning shell....????...i googled but max time i find tutorial but didnot get any satisfactory answers...