Digital Marketing Facebook Marketing API . 1 year ago

How to retrieve Ads Action Stats data with Facebook Marketing API

How to retrieve Ads Action Stats data with Facebook Marketing API

0 views   1   0 likes   0 shares Tuteehub forum manpreet 1 answers
_x000D_ _x000D_ I was trying to get insights of my campaigns. I was able to get click,impressions,spend but i also need conversions. I haven't found any example how to use fields with list< AdsActionStats >. < CAMPAIGN_ID >/insights?fields=impressions,spend,clicks,ctr,conversions $campaign = $fb->get( $campaign['id'].'/insights?fields=impressions,spend,clicks,ctr,conversions', $access_token );
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Tuteehub forum answer Answers (1)

manpreet Tuteehub forum best answer Best Answer 1 year ago
_x000D_ Conversions will be under "actions" and "actions_values," as in: $campaign = $fb->get( $campaign['id'].'/insights?fields=impressions,spend,clicks,ctr,actions,actions_values', $access_token ); This will return a nested array with the length of the number of action types (including conversions) being tracked. These can be any of the ones on the action type list linked here.
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