What is the meaning of face up meaning in Hindi ?

English-Hindi Words Starting With F in English-Hindi . 2 weeks ago

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face up Definition:
deal with (something unpleasant) head on; "You must confront your problems"; "He faced the terrible consequences of his mistakes"
Synonyms: confront, face,

face up Translation:
• निभाना
• सामना करना
face    फलक सीरा अग्रभाग
up    ऊपर की ओर उठा हूआ
face up Examples:
1.He faced up wisely the challenged heightened amid reconstituting India.
उन्होंने भारत के पुनर्गठन के रास्ते में उभरी हर चुनौती का समझदारी पूर्वक सामना किया।

2.Two men, both 21 years old and without criminal records, did sign up: a lawful Pakistani immigrant and student at Santa Monica College, Hammad Riaz Samana; and a black convert who had worked at a duty-free shop in Los Angeles International Airport, Gregory Vernon Patterson The three, plus James, now face up to life in prison for conspiring “to levy a war against the Government of the United States through terrorism.”
इन तीन में से जेम्स के अतिरिक्त दो अन्य युवकों में एक 21 वर्षीय पाकिस्तानी आप्रवासी और शांतामोनिका कॉलेज

3.As Ambrose Evans-Pritchard bluntly puts it in the Daily Telegraph , Winkler's findings “contradict” the contents of the report she supposedly presented to parliament. Worse, Evans-Pritchard quotes Victor Weitzel, co-author of the Jewish perceptions report, who said that the EU authorities consistently massaged his findings to play down the role of North African youth. “The European Union seems incapable of facing up to the truth on this. Everything is being tilted to ensure nice soft conclusions.” For example, when Weitzel recommended monitoring inflammatory language in Europe's Arab press, this was changed to the “minority press.”
इसके साथ ही मुस्लिम धर्म , मीडिया और स्वैच्छिक संस्थानों से उभरती यहूदी विरोधी शत्रुता का सामना करने की यूरोपिय संघ की अनिच्छा भी दशकों पुरानी है ।

4.Lower-ranking clerics, as usual, are more outspoken. “Islam's radicalization is the principal cause of the Christian exodus,” asserts Monsignor Philippe Brizard , director general of Oeuvre d'Orient, a French organization focused on Middle Eastern Christians. Bishop Rino Fisichella, rector of the Lateran University in Rome, advises the Church to drop its “diplomatic silence” and instead “put pressure on international organizations to make the societies and states in majority Muslim countries face up to their responsibilities.”
इस बढ़ते हुये असन्तुलन ने पहली बार चर्च का ध्यान आकृष्ट किया है कि उसने मुसलमानों के साथ रहने वाले ईसाइयों की समस्या के लिये इजरायल की कार्रवाई को दोष न देकर कट्टरपंथी इस्लाम की ओर अंगुली उठायी है.

5.In March 2005, a wife of Saudi Prince Mohamed Bin Turki Alsaud, Hana Al Jader , 39, was arrested at her home near Boston on charges of forced labor, domestic servitude, falsifying records, visa fraud, and harboring aliens. Ms. Al Jader stands accused of forcing two Indonesian women to work for her by making them believe “that if they did not perform such labor, they would suffer serious harm.” If convicted, Ms. Al Jader faces up to 140 years in jail and $2.5 million in fines.
इसी से मिलते जुलते और भी अनेक उदाहरण हैं . सउदी राजकुमारी माहा अल सउदेरी और बुनियाह अल सउद के चंगुल से बची औरलैण्डो की निवासी .लेखक जोयेल मोओब्रे के अनुसार सउदी राजनयिकों और उच्चायुक्तों के यहां 12 घरेलू महिलाओं को बंधुआ बनाकर रखा गया .

6.“It wasn't a threat, just a nasty email,” Mr. Ehrgott told The Associated Press . He described CAIR as “an anti-American organization” and pointed out that at no time did he physically intimidate it. CAIR saw matters differently and forwarded the notes to law enforcement agencies, which came down heavily on Mr. Ehrgott, perhaps because the Department of Justice decided to make an example of him. Describing these e-mails as containing “a threat to injure members” of CAIR, the American attorney for Nevada, Daniel Bogden, convinced a federal grand jury in March 2004 to indict Mr. Ehrgott. Mr. Bogden then threw the book at Mr. Ehrgott, who, if convicted, faced up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
अमेरिका के हाल के दो फौजदारी मामलों से इस बात की झलक मिलती है .दोनों ही मामले काउंसिल ऑन अमेरिकन इस्लामिक रिलेश्न्स से जुड़े हैं जो सउदी सहायता से चलने वाला संगठन है जिसका नेतृत्व कुछ अवसरों पर अपने उद्देश्य की घोषणा करते हुए कहता है कि उनका लक्ष्य अमेरिका का इस्लामीकरण है .

7.Sep. 4, 2006 update : Hana Al Jader , the wife of Saudi prince Mohamed Bin Turki Alsaud who is charged with enslaving two women, will plead guilty to two of the six counts of forced labor and four counts of violating immigration laws. One concerns visa fraud and the other harboring an illegal alien for ficial gain. Dec. 22, 2006 update : Hana Al Jader may have faced up to 140 years in jail and $2.5 million in fines for enslaving two women, and she may have pleaded guilty to two counts, but all she got was a sentence of wo years probation with six months' home confinement. She must also pay a $40,000 fine and $206,000 in restitution to her former workers; and she must forfeit her second residence in Arlington, Va. Finally, she agreed to be deported to Saudi Arabia after the six months. Al Jader's lawyers seem to have convinced the judge that incarcerating her would be unfair to her six teenage children and her husband, Prince Mohamed Al Saud, who was severely injured in a car accident in 1991. According to court papers, Al Jader receives an annual stipend of $100,000 from the Saudi royal family.
अमेरिका का राज्य विभाग इस बात से वाकिफ है कि सउदी घरों में जबरन बंधुआ मजदूरी प्रचलन में है और इसे रोकने के लिए कानून भी है लेकिन जैसा मोओब्रे का कहना है कि वह इससे लड़ने के लिए कदम उठाने को तैयार नहीं है.अंत में सउदी लोगों को पता है कि वे अपने किसी भी बर्ताव के बाद भी छूट जायेंगे .उनका दूतावास उन्हें आर्थिक सहायता , सहायता का पत्र , वकील , पिछले तारीख की राजनयिक उन्मुक्ति और समस्या से उबारने के लिए अमेरिका के पूर्व राजदूत को उपलब्ध करा देगा यह सब देखकर गवाह टूट जाते हैं.

Posted on 12 Nov 2024, this text provides information on English-Hindi related to Words Starting With F in English-Hindi. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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