| 1. | Berkeley's assessment of immaterialism was criticized by Samuel Johnson, as recorded by James Boswell.
| 2. | Berkeley is also known for his critique of abstraction, an important premise in his argument for immaterialism.
| 3. | Berkeley's mature philosophy was given lucid exposition by Luce in his 1945 work " Berkeley's Immaterialism ".
| 4. | Bayle pushed even further down this same path, thereby laying much of the ground work for the immaterialism of George Berkeley.
| 5. | Since Kant, true immaterialism has remained a rarity, but is survived by partly overlapping movements such as phenomenalism, subjectivism, and perspectivism.
| 6. | Berkeley, partly in reaction to Locke, also attempted to reintroduce an " immaterialism " into early modern philosophy ( later referred to as " subjective idealism " by others ).
| 7. | ;Other : Metaphysical necessity, Otium, Personally identifiable information, Personal life, Privacy, immaterialism, Personhood, Gender systems ( Social construction of gender difference ), The Persistence of Memory ( short story ), The Persistence of Memory, Transhumanism
| 8. | He is remembered for advancing the theory of immaterialism, later known as subjective idealism, which posited that individuals can only directly know sensations and ideas of objects, not abstractions such as " matter, " so that it is impossible for something to exist without being perceived.
| 9. | Indeed, without a " mind, " it becomes impossible to imagine " matter . " The answer to the question, " If a tree falls in the forest and no mind is present, does it make a noise ? " is answered by Berkeley's immaterialism : There is no tree.
| 10. | And in doing of this, there is no damage done to the rest of mankind, who, I dare say, will never miss it . " ", " Principles " # 35 ) This basic claim of Berkeley's thought, his " idealism ", is sometimes and somewhat derisively called " immaterialism " or, occasionally, subjective idealism.