What is the meaning of just the job meaning in Hindi ?

English-Hindi Words Starting With J in English-Hindi . 2 months ago

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just the job Translation:
• बिल्कुल सही
just    न्याय संगत अभी पास
the    वही यह वह वही वह
job    छोटा काम कर्तव्य
just the job Examples:
1.:This is just the job queue and occurs for many different things.

2."Transformation is not just the job of government, " the commission said.

3.Well, ISG director Anne Hawley may have just the job for you.

4.And those are just the jobs relating to books and art.

5.We're only eight miles away, so it's just the job.

6.An artist exhibiting her work is essentially just the job description of an artist.

7.Then it took not just the job, but the early promotion to feel satisfied.

8."I tell them that in the Army, that's just the job that we have,"

9.Patten's HK past may be just the job

10.What if the letter doesn't include any such conditions _ just the job title, salary and starting date?

Posted on 24 Dec 2024, this text provides information on English-Hindi related to Words Starting With J in English-Hindi. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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