What is the meaning of viewpoint meaning in Hindi ?

English-Hindi Words Starting With V in English-Hindi . 3 months ago

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viewpoint Definition:
a mental position from which things are viewed; "we should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians"; "teaching history gave him a special point of view toward current events"
Synonyms: point of view, stand, standpoint,

a place from which something can be viewed; "from that vantage point he could survey the whole valley"
Synonyms: vantage point,

viewpoint Plural:
noun plural: viewpointsviewpoint Translation:
• ख्याल
• दृष्टि
• दृष्टिकोण
• नज़रिया
• परिप्रेक्ष्य
• विचार
• नज़रिया
• प्रेक्षण स्थान
• दृश्य जो सुगमता से देखा जा सके
viewpoint Examples:
1.To understand this difference in viewpoints
इन दोनों के विचारों के फ़र्क को समझने के लिये

2.I would give my viewpoints to people.
मैं उन्हें अपना दृष्टिकोण बताना चाहता था ।

3.And grid cells could move this viewpoint through that space.
और ग्रिड कोशिकाएं इस दृष्टीकोण को यहाँ वहाँ ले जा सकती है |

4.Form this viewpoint this is like an ocean
इस दृष्टि से देखा जाए तो यह एक समुद्र है।

5.This is very wrong from the Congress viewpoint .
कांग्रेस के नजरिये से यह बहुत गलत है .

6.Of the scene around your viewpoint.
आपके दृष्टीकोण के हिसाब से |

7.Tolerance of the opposite viewpoint is the spirit of parliamentary ethos .
विरोधी दृष्टिकोण के प्रति सहनशील होना संसदीय शिष्टाचार का आधार है .

नजरियाः टेरेसिटा सी .

9.Two days later the CWC passed a resolution endorsing her viewpoint .
दो दिन बाद कांग्रेस कार्यसमिति ने उनके नजरिए की पुष्टि करते हे प्रस्ताव पारित कर दिया .

10.Not only from the religious point of view, but also from historical viewpoint Vedas have crucial importance.
न केवल धार्मिक किन्तु ऐतिहासिक दृष्टि से भी वेदों का असाधारण महत्त्व है।

Posted on 13 Nov 2024, this text provides information on English-Hindi related to Words Starting With V in English-Hindi. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.

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