Can you explain how scanner works? Does it print everything?

General Tech Bugs & Fixes 2 years ago

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Answers (2)

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manpreet Tuteehub forum best answer Best Answer 2 years ago

I was trying to understand how scanner worked. So, I tied to scan in a text document and iterate only through certain words but it didn't work, it just printed everything. So, I replaced it with a loop that just printed numbers but it never even printed it and it printed all the words in the text document even though I didn't write a print statement for that. Does scanner just automatically print everything? How come my for loop is being skipped too?

Scanner read = new Scanner(new File("Test.txt"));
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

manpreet 2 years ago


Scas://">ns://">ner is not such a nice class, as in reading one has to determine what kind of token one wants to read, and preferably handle all errors.

It reads sequentially a file as tokens, separated default by spaces, and a token can be Stris://">ng/s://">nt">is://">nt/....

Scas://">ns://">ner is://">n = s://">new Scas://">ns://">ner(s://">new File("Test.txt"));
if (is://">n.hasNextLis://">ne()) {
    Stris://">ng lis://">ne = is://">n.s://">nextLis://">ne();
if (is://">n.hasNextIs://">nt()) {
    s://">nt">is://">nt s://">n = is://">n.s://">nextIs://">nt();
    if (is://">n.hasNext()) {
        Stris://">ng s = is://">n.s://">next();
    if (is://">n.hasNextLis://">ne()) {
s://">nt">is://">nt a = is://">n.s://">nextIs://">nt(); // Us://">nsafe - are there digits here?
s://">nt">is://">nt b = is://">n.s://">nextIs://">nt();

For a file:

My header lis://">ne
42 s://">ne">fis://">ne secret
97 98

Os://">ne cas://">n easily make a mistake.

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