Charts have multiple drilldown with multiple charts in fusion charts in Python-Django

General Tech Bugs & Fixes 2 years ago

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Answers (1)

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manpreet Tuteehub forum best answer Best Answer 2 years ago

The above link gives u the one drill down with multiple charts on java scripts.But, I want multiple drill down(atleast three) with multiple charts on python-Django( which is render on the html.

please have a look on a code which display simple chart on html


from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse

# Include the `` file that contains functions to embed the charts.
from fusioncharts import FusionCharts

from ..models import *

# The `chart` function is defined to generate Column 2D chart from database.
def chart(request):
    # Chart data is passed to the `dataSource` parameter, as dict, in the form of key-value pairs.
    dataSource = {}
    dataSource['chart'] = { 
        "caption": "Monthly revenue for last year",
            "subCaption": "Harry's SuperMart",
            "xAxisName": "Month",
            "yAxisName": "Revenues (In USD)",
            "numberPrefix": "$",
            "theme": "zune"

    # The data for the chart should be in an array where each element of the array is a JSON object
    # having the `label` and `value` as key value pair.

    dataSource['data'] = []
    # Iterate through the data in `Revenue` model and insert in to the `dataSource['data']` list.
    for key in Revenue.objects.all():
      data = {}
      data['label'] = key.Month
      data['value'] = key.MonthlyRevenue

    # Create an object for the Column 2D chart using the FusionCharts class constructor                      
    column2D = FusionCharts("column2D", "ex1" , "600", "350", "chart-1", "json", dataSource)
    return render(request, 'index.html', {'output': column2D.render()}) 

In Html,I just add,

<div id="myFirstchart-container">{{ output|safe }}div>

Please note that I want this coded in Django. Thank u...


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