You seem to want the start year for employees who have ended and the current year for active employees. So:
select emp_id, ename,
(case when effective_end_date > current_date
then year(current_date)
else year(effective_start_date)
end) as year_bucket
from employee_det
where worker_status = 'Active' and
manager_name like '%srinivas%';
Best Answer
2 years ago
I have a problem with my employee_det table, where I am categorizing year wise active employee status. for example1: an employee joined in 01-01-2017 and released from company in 02-02-2018 then he/she fall under 2017 bucket.
example2: If an employee joined in 01-02-2018 and released in 01-15-2019 then he will be under 2018 bucket.
if an employee joined in 01-01-2017 and he is still continuing in company then he must fall under 2019.
I have written the following query and which is giving me accurate results, but next year I need to add one more entry in WHERE condition, instead of that is there is any generalized way to solve this.