I hope you found an answer before, but your problem is you are not using needs like it recommends on the Github readme:
A simple little module for passing data from NodeJS to R (and back again).
Data passed from node is converted into a list and loaded into the R environment as the variable input. No special syntax in R is needed. For better portability/reliability, it's recommended to load packages with needs (comes packaged inside the module — no installation required).
Example using needs
import MASS package for isoMDS
Best Answer
2 years ago
I want to integrate R with node JS. I found out about a simple npm called
which allows r script to be run on node js.For those of you who don't know what r-script does the following node JS runs the
R scriptnode JS code
IntegrationTest.R script
so above prints hello just fine when I run the node JS code.
Then when I try the script below (the R script works on R studio by the way), it throws me error and says
Loading Required Packages : ape
.I thought maybe it doesn't know where to get the R package from so I specified the repository but it still throws me same error.
Anyone who attempted to integrate R with node JS experience the same thing or know what's going on here?
Thank you
Node JS
I honestly think the only difference between the two R script is that the first doesn't load any package and the second loads a package.