So starting with
Create a Battleship struct containing 5 one-dimensional integer coordinates representing its location within a region (of any size). Instantiate 2 copies of the struct and have the user enter a single coordinate for each Battleship
You need a single struct:
struct Ship
int x[5];
Now make 2 copies
int main()
Ship good;
Ship bad;
Then the rest looks good, it compiles and runs without any issues on my computer. You can add a function to populate the ship to reduce the number of code
Ship createShip(int startPos) {
Ship newShip;
newShip[0] = startPos;
// ... <- rest of your code that you have to populate
return newShip;
int main()
int pos;
cout << "Enter a coordinate (out of 100) for good ship: "<< endl;
cin >> pos;
Ship good = createShip(pos);
//... <- Get pos of bad ship
Ship bad = createShip(pos);
Then you can also create a simular function that prints the location of the ship
Best Answer
2 years ago
Unfortunately I do not have the Instructor to aid me with this assignment over the weekend and I am stuck. I'm just learning C++ and I've taken a Logic and Design class for Programming but like I said I'm very new to C++. I'm having a hard time catching up to the rest of the students.
I'd like if someone could list improvements and maybe clarify if I've done anything wrong in comparison to the assignment statement. I do really appreciate the help!
My code is repetitive and I'm sure I could go another way into displaying the array values without all that code. An error also pops up after use of the application that says:
"Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'enemy' was corrupted.
If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely continued."
The assignment is:
"Create a Battleship struct containing 5 one-dimensional integer coordinates representing its location within a region (of any size). Instantiate 2 copies of the struct and have the user enter a single coordinate for each Battleship. Design your code to take this single coordinate and use it to populate the remaining 4 coordinates for each ship. Do this for both ship structs. Then, have your code calculate the numeric distance between the 2 ships based on their respective coordinates. Finally, display the resulting distance to the user with an English language sentence."
My code as for right now is :