The toe loop, according to what I have learnt, should be 1/2 in the air. It doesn't really matter how much rotation is done on the ice as long as it is somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2.
A single Salchow consists of one full revolution. However it does feel like jumping 1/2 revolution, since the technique is quite similar to that of the waltz jump.
1/4 rotation is done on the ice for the loop before leaping into the air. 1/2 is done on ice for the flip jump and one full revolution in the air. About 1/4 to 1/2 is done on ice for the lutz.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I'm currently learning the loop jump and get conflicting messages on how much of the rotation should occur on the ice before continuing the rotation in the air. I have heard that the rotation should be only 1/4 on the ice, 1/2 on the ice, or entirely rotated in the air. Which is it?
As well, the toe loop I have seen rotated entirely in the air and 1/2 on the ice before jumping.
However, the Salchow jump seems to be rotated 1/2 on the ice and 1/2 in the air. (Which makes the Salchow more of a three turn coupled with a waltz jump.)
I haven't started the flip or lutz yet, but wonder if it is allowable to rotate either of these on the ice before jumping.
How much of the rotation of the single rotation jumps (toe loop, Salchow, loop, flip, lutz) should be done on the ice before jumping into the air?