I wouldn't consider any certification or course to be sufficient preparation for a hacking competition, assuming you're talking about the kind of Capture the Flag competitions that tend to run at conferences. They usually don't focus on any particular aspect of information security, but rather a broad range of technical skills.
At the last conference I attended, their CTF covered the following stuff:
- Network capture analysis.
- Web application penetration testing.
- Reverse engineering.
- Remote service vulnerability discovery.
- Custom exploit development.
- IPS evasion (only trivial rules, though)
- Basic cryptanalysis.
This isn't the kind of stuff you can learn in a week (or a month, for that matter) at a course. Whilst the focus is on testing the technical skills of participants, a huge part of the success factor is intuition and experience. It's about having a breadth of experience in a variety of topics, with sufficient depth in some to craft complex solutions to problems.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I know that there are several hacking competitions, but I would like to know how to prepare for hacking competitions.
I know that there are several hacking courses, online and offline, but they only seem to prepare for basic stuffs.. Would taking OSCE/CTP courses provide sufficient preparation?