Hooboy. This is a tough position to be in; you have my sympathies.
I'm biased towards getting a degree, most likely because 1) I have one (BS in Computer Science) and 2) I've often found the knowledge gained pursuing it to be very useful. But it's hardly a pre-requisite for a successful career; the IT world is rich with people who kick ass, are acknowledged as kicking ass, and who technically don't have more than a high school diploma.
The nice thing about a university degree is that you can put it on hold and come back to it later when life permits. (Though the dangerous thing about the previous sentence is that it's a good way to simply quit without admitting to yourself you're quitting.) You can test the waters and see what kind of job you could get by sending your resume out today and seeing what kind of nibbles you get; you haven't committed to anything until you actually say yes to a job offer.
And it sounds like your school is a bad fit for you, regardless. If you're so consistently bored with everything they're throwing at you, then you may need to find a school that will do a better job of giving you your money's worth and making you work for that degree. Have you considered transferring somewhere better?
Edit: Based on your comments elsewhere, given how much you love the high-level theoretic aspects of programming, have you considered that the best way to continue to explore that and get paid may be a career in academia? Which would definitely require you to get your degree. :-)
Best Answer
2 years ago
I've been doing design and programming for about as long as I can remember. If there's a programming problem, I can figure it out. (Though admittedly Stack Overflow has allowed me to skip the figuring out and get straight to the doing in many instances.) I've made games, esoteric programming languages, and widgets and gizmos galore. I'm currently working on a general-purpose programming language. There's nothing I do better than programming.
Is a university education really more than just a formality?