The logical data structure to represent your problem domain is a graph, but doing so literally will not provide you the "efficient" means of answering the queries you cite as examples. It would help to know whether these queries are merely examples you've thought of out of what you imagine to be a larger set, or whether they constitute a complete specification of the requirements.
I suspect you won't like this answer, but what I think you would benefit from most here is a relational database. You can embed one that holds all the data in memory if you prefer to avoid some of the normal complication with using such a database. SQLite is one relational database to consider, but there are many others available for use in Java.
I reach that conclusion based on your phrasing. You mention navigating the graph edges (or the aggregating relationships between the entities) in both directions. That's trivial to express in a relational model of the problem, but becomes very difficult when you use in-memory structures like the maps you propose; the former has no implied directionality to the foreign references among relations, whereas the latter can only represent unidirectional references from one entity to another.
In the relational model, you're able to express facts as follows:
- There are entities called Components, that have these properties.
- There are entities called Models, that have these other properties.
- There are links between Components and Models, where every Model is "reachable from" any number of Components, and every Component "can reach" any number of Models. (Note that I did not write "contained within" or "owns" or any other relationship that suggests exclusivity.)
The relational model allows one to evaluate queries against these relations without any bias as to which way the links "point." Of course, the links are assertions with some meaning—likely directional, making the logical graph a directed rather than an undirected graph—specific to your problem domain, but it's your application that understands that meaning, not the database or the relational model that governs its operation.
Beyond the logical model, answering your queries as efficiently as possible will require you to specify that the database maintain some non-constraint-based indices. Some of the records can be looked up efficiently without you asking for anything special beyond integrity constraints, as the database will likely build indices on its own to aid in efficient enforcement of the stated constraints. But while it may be able to tell you quickly whether there are already any pairings between a given Component and a Model, it won't be ready to answer which Components, if any, reference a particular Model.
Requesting that the database maintain such indices is akin to you maintaining some of the in-memory maps that you proposed originally, but there's a difference in the design approaches: In your design, some of the potential queries that will emerge can't be answered at all, because the relationships won't be captured in a way that they can be navigated, even inefficiently. With the database, though, adapting to new queries is usually a matter of defining additional indices to help speed up queries over data that is already there. In other words, the database can still answer your nascent queries; it just may have to struggle in embarrassing ways to do so. Not until you define the proper indices will it then be ready to handle those queries as efficiently as the others you've anticipated.
I'll make one more point here. Using a relational database here may be overkill technically, but it is the right didactic choice. It's the kind of solution that your problem deserves. You can build something more narrow, more tailored, that provides a small subset of the database's capabilities and meets your needs, but in doing so, I think you're missing out on the larger design lesson here. You will have used your problem to learn something about how to implement a database, rather than learning about how to employ a database to model your problem. Making the latter both possible and easy is the reason the industry has made such database technology available.
Best Answer
2 years ago
I have three types of objects:
The relationships are defined as follows:
The natural design would be to have Component to have a set of references to Model(s) and Model to have a set references to Function. With this design I can easily navigate relationships in a top-down fashion (and easily answer queries like: "What Function(s) are contained in this Model?".
The problem is that I need more flexibility. I would like to have something that's easily navigable to answer these kind of queries:
I've thought of having Component, Model and Function as simple POJOs and to keep track of references between them with multiple HashMaps (
) but this seems inefficient to me.Can you suggest me something better designed?